Author Guidelines
Author Guidelines
Euphrates Journal of Agricultural Science is a self-financed publication and its editorial board welcomes unconditional financial assistance from donors.
Publishing Style in Euphrates journal of agricultural science (EJAS)
Please see below the publication method in this journal.
1-The research should be innovative and contribute to solving a problem or part of a scientific problem to a subject of agriculture, biology, and veterinary work.
2- The research has not been published or will be published in scientific journal elsewhere, and the research has not been conducted before more than three years ago.
3- The research is presented in three copies written in English with the abstract in Arabic on A4 white paper and the lines between the line and the last 1.5 cm. The first page of the English and Arabic abstracts is assigned without columns. The pages from the introduction to the end of the research are printed according to two columns. The distance between the columns is 1 cm, and the margin from left, right, upper, and lower left is 2 cm.
4- The journal is subject for being checked for plagiarism using professional software.
5- The manuscript is subject to evaluation by peer reviewers, and the author(s) makes the suggested revisions that the reviewers see as necessary. If the author(s) is not satisfied with some points, they may be answered on a separate paper. The manuscript will be rejected if the two peer reviews find a low quality manuscript or reject it because substantial amendments are needed.
6- If the manuscript is accepted and the suggested revisions are made, and then the author(s) should submit one corrected copy with a CD – Microsoft Word- and will be matched with a member of the editorial board. The author(s) will pay the fees of the publication. The author(s) should be provided with a sealed paper confirming the acceptance of the research for publication.
7- If the reviewers believe that the manuscript is suitable for a (Research Note), then the author should be informed. If the author refuses to publish the manuscript as a research note, the draft manuscript will not be returned to him because of the confidentiality of the research. The research note includes a new idea in one of the fields of knowledge in scientific and agricultural disciplines, or new results limited in quantity but important. The pattern of the research note is: title, researcher’s name and affiliation, and the Arabic and English abstract, around 70–100 words. Followed by the introduction, are the materials and methods, results combined with each other without a title, and approved references, not more than 4 pages maximum. Globally, research note is an innovation in most cases.
8-The journal accepts review articles that provide a sufficient number of researchers’ results, which added new ideas from results to move research from one rank to another better one. In this case, the materials, methods, results, and discussion may be changed to be written in a new form as the researcher deems necessary, without complying with the pattern used in traditional research. The author(s) can also increase the number of references from what is accepted on the journal from other research.
9-The research paragraphs that are published in this journal (without the research note and the reference article) consist of the following: The title of the research at the top of the page and the names of the author(s), affiliation(s), e-mail(s), and then the English abstract at the left corner of the page. After that is the Arabic abstract compatible with the English abstract, with the author name(s), affiliation(s), and e-mail(s). The key words at the end of English and Arabic abstract (these words should not found in the title of the manuscript); the above paragraphs at the first page should be without columns. Then the introduction, materials, methods, results, discussion, Acknowledgements (if any), and references are written. The English and the Arabic abstracts should be written in one continuous piece, without paragraphs of 250-300 words each.
10- It is prohibited to use any term (abbreviation) before mentioning it in advance. For example, one would state “total soluble solid (TSS),” after which the abbreviation can be used whenever the author(s) wants. The English abstract should use lowercase letters, not capital letters, to refer to the day, hour, and measurement. For example, it should use kg for kilogram, g for grams, h for hour, and d for day, etc.
11- The abstract should include the objective, summary of the work, the experimental design (if any), experimental factors and levels, and their effect on the research. The author(s) should write the abstract in a clear, comprehensive, practical manner, and the research results should be expressed in significant numbers.
12- The author should write out the manuscript title, abstract, introduction, results and discussion, and reference in capital English letters.
13- If the reference is a book, dissertation, or master thesis, the first letter of each word in the title should be capitalized, then the publisher, city, state, and total pages of the book or thesis (pp.). If the quote is from specific pages and mentioned only once, write, for example, “pp.18-12,” at the end of the reference. To illustrate this, see the following examples:
- Ali, R. M., 2008. Response of Soybean Cultivars to Rate and Time of N Application. M.Sc. Thesis, Dept. of Field Crop Sci., Coll. of Agric., Univ. of Baghdad. p. 85. (An example of a thesis or report).
- Bernard, A. K. and O.H. Omara 2009. Effect of varying rates of gibberellin on rooting characteristics of grapevine. J. Vitis. 51(2) 115–118. (Example of a journal).
14- Arabic references should be written in English, including thesis and dissertations.
15- When writing the references in the text line, indicate the name of the researcher and then the reference number if the sentence is actual, such as Steve and Robert (14). If the sentence is an interceptor, then the reference numbers are serialized upwards, such as some researchers (2, 5, 11) found that nitrogen increases the vegetative growth of the plants of this crop.
16- Due to the importance of references to any scientific research, it must be not less than 20 references; it is preferable that the number of references is not more than 40 references, except for reference articles. The number of references from 2010 should be no less than half of the foreign references approved in the research for the value of modernity of information for scientific research. The number of foreign references should not be less than two-thirds of the number of references in the research, because of the importance of global references that preceded for accurate and numerous details in science, and five sources from the Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences should be added.
17- Tables, figures, and images used in the research should be clear, precise, and understandable; the location of each must be on the subsequent page immediately after it was cited.
18- The caption for a figure or an image should be written under it as follows:
Figure (image) 2. The relationship between the quantities of added sulfur and the growth rates of the bread wheat varieties.
The caption for a table should be written above it as follows:
Table 5. Rates of the number of grains in spike for the wheat varieties used in the research.
19- Metric system units (International System of Units or S.I. units) must be used in the research.
20- A table’s internal lines should be deleted, and the width of the writing column should be 8 cm.
21- The editorial board of the journal is keen to make a decision to accept or reject a research within a period not exceeding four months from the date of receipt of the research until the decision to publish it. The editor-in-chief and the editorial board members have the right to reject the research if they are satisfied that the authors do not comply with the journal’s publication requirements.