Extracting β-glucan from Saccharomyces cerevisiae,and its biological effect in reducing cholesterol levels in the laboratory and studying its effect


  • Maha Najm University of Kufa- Faculty of Agriculture – Food Science department Author
  • Athraa Muhsen University of Kufa- Faculty of Agriculture – Food Science department. Author


Extract, β-glucan, cholesterol,,  S. cerevisiae, acid-alkaline


Glucan was extracted from acid-alkaline-based yeast samples Hydrolysis method; the dry weight of glucan was 4.8g/100g of Yeast.  Carbohydrate and protein contents were determined for the glucan sample and the results indicated that the carbohydrate and protein ratio in the glucan was 44% and 0.45%, respectively. Glucan  A  analyzed by FT-IR and the results   confirmed that the extracted glucan showed a high degree of similarity and purity compared to the standard and the extracted glucan was considered β glucan examination of the compound extracted by FTIR in the diagnosis of some major groups involved in the composition of the compound, and the peak of   Absorption at 1074   cm-1 and peaks at 1156-1165 cm-1 which is the hallmark of the β-glucan structure that extends with the standard 1051 cm-1 indicates the linear structure of β-glucan and the compound was also examined by ultraviolet light to estimate the carbohydrate and protein contents. The results indicated the the ratio A Carbohydrate and protein of the extracted glucan were 44% and 0.45% respectively as components of both glucose and protein A important indicators of the purity of glucan and a high amount of sugars with of protein content and compare the the the standard compound and the results showed that the compound extracted matches the standard complex. The ability  of  the compound extracted in of concentrations (10 mg/body weight and 40 m / body weight) to lower blood lipid levels was tested in the laboratory, where the concentration of 10 mg/body weight extracted from the yeast S.cerevisiae showed a significant effect in lowering the ratio of cholesterol, where the percentage of decrease was (123) compared to positive control therapy (mg/dl 262) in contrast to the concentration of 40mg / bw, where cholesterol decreased by (184.7 mg/dl) compared to positive control factor..




