Effect of NPK  Fertilizer and the Treatment with Neutro-sol  (CaO) in Some  Morphological Growth traits  of Two Olive Cultivars Olea europaea L. and its Economic Feasibility


  • Ayat Dhaher Al-Qasim Green University, College of Agriculture Author
  • Imad Aubied Al-Qasim Green University, College of Agriculture Author
  • Bassim Kshash Al-Qasim Green University, College of Agriculture Author


Fertilizer , Treatment , Neutro-sol 


This study was conducted in one of the private orchards in Al-Sanniyyah sub-district belonging to Al-Qadisiyah Governorate, south of Baghdad provainc, during the agricultural season 2021, with the aim of studying the effect of spraying levels of fertilizer, NPK compound, and ground addition of Ultrasol on some traits of olive cultivars Manzilillo and Bashiqi, and to study the economic feasibility criteria of using these fertilizers. Factorial experiment (3 × 3 × 2) according to the completely random block design CRBD, with duplicate seedlings, at the rate of 4 seedlings per observation, and the treatments included cultivar (V1: Manzilillo cultivar, V2: Baashiqi cultivar, and three levels of spraying NPK (N0: 0, N1 = 1, N2 = 2) gm - liter and the ground addition of ultrasol fertilizer (C0: 0, C1 = 1, C2 = 2) gm - liter,  the results were analyzed using niaine analysis for the lowest level difference between the treatments and using the lowest level difference Lsd at the level of 0.05, and the results can be analyzed as follows. Differences were found in the triple overlap VNC treatments with V2N2C2 overlapping, the seedling height was 18.07 cm, while the treatment V2N2C2 excelled with the number of branches 9.87, the leaf area 2.733 cm. The triple overlap of V1N1C0 with a branch length of 12.57 cm . The wet weight of the roots and the wet weight of the shoot were 33.0 g and 120.3 g, respectively


