Response of some growth indicators of different bread wheat cultivars to spraying with nano-potassium fertilizer


  • Hawra Al-Ajili, Al Mussaib Technical College, Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University Author
  • Mahdi Al-Saeedi Al Mussaib Technical College, Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University Author


bread wheat, nano potassium , growth indicators, harvest index


A field experiment was conducted in plot numbered 95, plot 2, affiliated to Al-Mahaweel district, north of Babylon, during the seasons 2020-2021 and 2021-2022. In order to know the response of three bread wheat cultivars to the stages and concentrations of nano-spraying potassium. A randomized complete block design (RCBD) was used in a split-split plot with three replicates. As the cultivars (Abu Ghraib, Hawler, Aras) occupied the main plot, and the spraying stages (branching, elongation, inlay) occupied sub plot , while potassium nano fertilizer concentrations (0,1,2 g/L) occupied the sub-sub plot. The results showed the Hawler cultivar excelled in plant height and the content of leaves of chlorophyll for both season of the study, with averages of (80.59 and 81.45) cm and (39.43spad and 41.17spad) respectively, while the Abu Ghraib cultivar recorded the highest values for the harvest index and for both seasons, with averages of (36.45%). and 37.29%, respectively.The treatment of potassium spraying with a concentration of 2 g L-1 was excelled in booting stage and recorded the highest values in the potassium content of the leaves (2.26% and 2.29%) for both seasons, the chlorophyll content of the leaves, plant height and biological yield, and for both season it reached (38.87 spad and 40.40 spad). And (74.54 cm and 76.30 cm) and (40% and 47%) respectively.



