Effect of alcoholic extract of Nerium Oleander plantNerium   Castaneum (Herbst) Tribolium


  • Abbas Hamza Author
  • Najah Bari Author
  • Huda Shnwer Author


alcoholic , Nerium , Castaneum


Abstract: A laboratory study was conducted in order to evaluate the effect of the alcoholic extract of the Nerium oleander plant on some aspects of the life performance of the red rusty flour beetle T. castaneum. The non-cumulative concentration of the larvae and the adult insect, where the concentration of 75 mg / ml gave the highest percentage of the death rate in the larvae and adults (80.12% and 75.31%), respectively, compared with the control treatment, which amounted to 0.00, and at the lowest concentration of 25 mg / ml after 24 hours, the percentage of the death rate Larvae and adults in the alcoholic extract (23.33% and 13.00%), respectively, compared with the control treatment, which amounted to 0.00


