Cartographic analysis and morphological description of the soil of Abu Gharq in Babylon Governorate using GIS


  • Amal Jubier Al-Qasim Green Author
  • Hendreen Al Hello Al-Qasim Green Author


Cartographic analysis, Morphological description,, GIS,,   Abu Gharq.


A test and detection of 12 pedons for the study area, district of Abu Gharq, and after conducting a cartographic analysis and drawing a map of soil chains using geographic information systems, in order to determine the largest chains in area and frequent, and to locate pedons for the purpose of description them morphologically. The results showed that the DW45 series is the largest of the series, with an area of 3020.17 ha, with a rate of 16.49%, and its frequent was 6. The least area was occupied by the DM36 series, which amounted to 52.4 ha, with a rate of 0.29%, and its frequent was 1. The two series occupied a very small area, DM53 and DM46, with an area of 102.09 ha, with a rate of 0.56% and an area of 84.8 ha, with a rate of 0.46% for each of them, respectively, The purpose of this research is to characterize and diagnose the largest and most frequent chains in the study area.




