Local Chicken Effect of Adding Anise and Marjoram Seed Powders and Their Mixtures to Iraqi Male Diets on Seminal Plasma Traits


  • Nashwan Al-Gburi University of Babylon, Hillah-Najaf Street, Babylon state, 51001, Iraq Author
  • Mohammed Jasim2 University of Al-Qadisiyah, 58002, Iraq. Author


anise seeds, marjoram seeds,,   male chickens, bird’s semen


This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of three levels of anise and marjoram seed powders and their mixture added to the diets of male Iraqi local chickens in the traits of sperm plasma, the males used in the trial were divided into four treatments (12 male per treatment) and by three replicates per treatment (four males per repeater) as the division of the trial treatments was as follows: the first treatment T1 (a control treatment fed on a basic diet without any addition), the second treatment T2 was fed on a basic diet added to 1.5 g of anise seed powder/kg feed, third treatment T3 fed on a base diet with 1.5 g of marjoram seed powder/kg feed, the fourth treatment T4 fed on a base diet with 1.5 g of anise seed powder + 1.5 g of marjoram seed powder/kg feed, the study period lasted 3 months from 16/2/2021 to 3/6/2021 (a period of two weeks was allocated for the purpose of preparing birds and responding to the collection process), collecting semen with special collection tubes and transferring it directly to the centrifuge (borrowed from a private laboratory) for the purpose of obtaining sperm plasma, then the sperm plasma was transferred to a specialized laboratory for the purpose of studying the traits that included the concentration of (total cholesterol, total protein, triglycerides, MDA enzyme activity, SOD enzyme activity, GSH-px), these traits were calculated every 22 days. The results obtained from the current study show the effective effect of anise and marjoram in reducing the concentration of total protein, cholesterol, and MDA activity, while the effect was evident in the activity of SOD and GSH-px enzymes in sperm plasma.



