Antioxidant Effect of A. graveolens (Dill)  on Adult Male Rats induced  to Paracetamol


  • Aumaima Tariq Al-Zahrawi University College, Karbala, Iraq Author
  • Safa Hakeem Al-Furat Al-Awsat Author
  • Nibras Al-Ibrahemi University of Karbala, Karbala, Iraq Author


Dill, Paracetamol , Volatile oils, MDA, GSH and glucose


. An apparent side effect of paracetamol overdose is liver damageIn this study, we examine how paracetamol effects on oxidative enzyme malaldehyde (MDA) in liver and antioxidant enzyme glutation (GSH) and glucose of male rats that drenched A. graveolens (Dill) , 40 laboratory male rats were randomly assigned into four groups in the animal house at Karbala University's. (G) G1 control given water and food , G2 injection with paracetamol 500 mg/kg , G3 injection with dill oil 150 mg/kg , G4 injection (paracetamol 500 mg/kg and dill oil 150 mg/kg ) , Dill was discovered to be able to protect liver enzymes from paracetamol's toxic effects by decreasing MDA and glucose concentration and increasing GSH enzyme, according to the study's findings. Antioxidant properties of dill volatile oil are being studied.



