Economic analysis of the production costs of the potato crop in the Abu Ghraib region for the year 2021


  • Suaad Ali College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences/ University of Baghdad Author


Optimal production,,   Total Costs, Optimal Area , variable costs , ,fixed costs


The research aims to estimate the production cost function of the potato crop in the Abu Ghraib district for the spring season 2021, where the data was collected through a random sample that included (40) farmers within the Abu Ghraib district, despite the economic importance of the potato crop and as a result of the increasing demand for it for food and industrial purposes. Today, it has become at the forefront of the main food, as some called it the second bread. The estimated results indicated that the variable costs acquired the largest percentage of the total costs of the total potato crop in the research sample, at an average of 66.3% of the total costs. While fixed costs accounted for 33.7% of the total costs. The results of the research also concluded that the optimal production volume of potatoes amounted to (7.92) tons, achieving the lowest production cost. While the optimal area was (16.83) dunums, bearing in mind that the size of the farm holding for the research average was (12.5) dunums, so the research recommends expanding the cultivated areas of the potato crop to reach optimal production and the use of modern technologies in agriculture to reach optimal production capacities.



