Response of maize to spraying with gibberellin and thiamine at different growth stages


  • Ehab Al-Husseini Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University Abstract Author
  • Ahmed Fadel ,Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University Abstract Author


maize , spraying, gibberellin, stages, thiamine


The field experiment was conducted on one of the private farms located in Al- Musauib project area, 40 km north of Babylon Governorate, during the spring and autumn seasons of 2022. To know the effect of spraying gibberellin and thiamine and spraying stages on the growth and yield of corn. Where the main plot included three stages of addition and they were (the stage of formation of 4 leaves, the stage of formation of 8 leaves, the stage of flowering) and symbolized by the symbol (A1, A2, A3). The subplot included spray concentrations and were as follows (spraying with distilled water only, gibberellin at a concentration of 100 mg.L-1 and thiamine (vitamin B1) at a concentration of 100 mg.L-1 and the interaction between gibberellin at a concentration of 100 mg.L-1 and thiamine 100 mg.L-1) and symbolized by (B0, B1, B2, B3) and the results were as follows :The results showed that the stages of spraying had a significant effect, where the stage of formation of 8 leaves (A2) was significantly excelled and gave the highest rate for most of the studied traits and for both season respectively, the number of grains per cob was (1171.42 and 925.76) grains. cob-1, the weight of 300 grains was (83.35 and 76.71) g, the percentage of protein was (7.54 and 8.69)%, the percentage of oil (47.40 and 44.52)%, the total plant yield (181.07 and 175.01) kg.ha-1.B3 treatment was significantly excelled on the rest of the other treatments and gave the highest mean of both season, respectively, for the traits of the number of grains per cob(1322.18 and 1059.95) grains. cob-1, weight of 300 grains (86.38 and 81.73) g, protein percentage (8.15 and 9.30) %, oil percentage (50.44 and 44.83)%, total plant yield (201.56 and 195.49) kg.ha-1.The interaction treatments(A2 + B3) excelled and gave the highest values for most growth, yield and qualitative traits


