Response of biological and organic fertilizers on the growth, yield and quality of bean plants


  • Amir omran. Field crops.Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, Musayyib Author
  • deabd . alruwmiu Field crops.Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, Musayyib Author


biological, organic , fertilizers , yield , quality


      A field experiment was conducted during the winter season 2021-2022 to study the response of one cultivars of broad bean (Spani et al) to bio-fertilization at four levels (0, bacterial, fungal, and manure together) and organic fertilizer (decomposing sheep waste) at three levels (0, 4, 8)ton ha-1, and the factorial experiment was conducted according to a randomized complete block design (R.C.B.D). As for the bio-fertilization, the level (the two fertilizers together) was excelled for all due to the presence of significant differences between the treatments in the vegetative, fruiting and qualitative growth. Except for the trait of the number of bacterial nodes, the (bacterial) inoculum excelled, giving the highest mean for the studied trait, amounting to 51.02 plant nodes, while the treatment (the two fertilizers together) gave the lowest average, amounting to 44.53 plant nodes-1. As for the organic fertilization (sheep waste), the treatment (8 tons.ha-1) was excelled on the rest of the treatments with significant differences in trait of ,The number of root nodes, the number of pods, and the weight of 100 seeds gave the highest averages (87.15 cm, 2044.64 cm2, 48.85 nodes plant-1, 12.86 pods plant-1, 231.98 g), respectively. As for the bi-interaction between the organic and bio-fertilizations, the combination (the two fertilizations together * 8 tons.ha-1) excelled, for the trait percentage of protein in grains amounted to (29.13%, 4.36%, 27.27%), respectively


