Effect of two inhibitors of transpiration, copper, Chitosan, some plant extracts, and storage period on the storage traits of local orange fruits, Citrus sinesis.


  • Atheer Jawad University of Diyala Author
  • Ghaleb Hussein University of Diyala, Iraq. Author


inhibitors , transpiration, , copper,, Chitosan


  This experiment was conducted in a special refrigerated warehouse in the city of Baquba, Diyala Governorate, for the season 2021-2022. The study showed the effect of the treatments (plant extracts and anti-transpiration agents) and the storage period on the storage trait of the local orange fruits, Citrus sinensis L. The experiment was conducted in the period from 1/12/2021 to 1 /3/2022 Where the fruits were harvested by the manual method using manual scissors and cutting the fruits from the fruit bearer at the level of the surface of the fruit from a private orchard in the city of Jdeidet Al-Shat, Diyala province, where a group of fruits were immersed in pomegranate peel powder extract in two concentrations (3 and 9 g.L-1) for 15 minutes. Another group dipped in thyme leaves extract in two concentrations (6 and 9 g.L-1) for 15 minutes.Another group was immersed in chitosan at a concentration of 2 g.L-1for two minutes, and a group was immersed in Disper Cu max at a concentration of 3 g.L-1for two minutes, and the comparison treatment was dipped in distilled water, and the fruits were packed in polyethylene bags of one kilo size and perforated with 16 holes.It was stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of (4∓0.5) C and a relative humidity of 80-85% for a period of three months. The results were analyzed in the laboratory of the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering of the College of Agriculture - University of Diyala. The experiment was conducted using a complete random design (CRD), and the averages were compared according to the Dunkin' multiple limit test. At a probability level of 0.05, the results were all the following:  The results showed that the lowest percentage of weight loss was when the treatment with pomegranate peel powder extract with a concentration of 9 g.L-1, and also the treatment with pomegranate peel powder with a concentration of 9 g.L-1 excelled in the highest weight of the peel. While the treatment with thyme leaf powder at a concentration of 6 g.L-1excelled in the highest rate of thickness of the peel and the percentage of carotene in the skin of the fruit , and the treatment with pomegranate peel powder extract at a concentration of 3 g.L-1 excelled in the highest percentage of fruit juice, and The highest percentage of chlorophyll in the fruit peel


