Effect of adding NPK fertilizer ,distance and date of fertilizing on some chemical leaves characteristics and yield of date palm Cv.


  • AL zahdi Youssef Technical College - Musayib, Iraq. Author
  • Abbas Hashem Technical College - Musayib, Iraq Author


Date palm, Distances and date of fertilizing, NPK fertilizer, Zahdi cultivar


A factorial experiment was conducted in one of the date palm horticulture stations of the Ministry of Agriculture for the purpose of studying the effect of adding N.P.K. fertilizer  with different distances, timing and concentrations in growth and yield for date palm trees of the Zahdi cultivar, three factors were used in the experiment after selecting 54 palm trees. The first factor included two spaces for feeding trees with fertilizer (100 and 200) cm, symbolized (A1 and A2). While he applied three dates for preparing fertilizer (3/10/2021, 3/12/2021, and 3/2/2022) symbolized (B1, B2, and B3), while the third factor, which included three concentrations of fertilizer, which are (250:250:500 and 500:500:750) gm L-1 In addition to the non-fertilization treatment, it is symbolized (C1). The random block design was followed with three replications, and the averages were compared according to the least significant difference (L.S.D). At a probability level of 0.05 in analyzing the data statistically. The results of the experiment showed the superiority of the triple interaction treatment (A2B2C3) in the Leaves content of nitrogen,phosphor,potassium and carbohydrates, while the triple interaction treatment (A2B2C2) excelled in the total plant yield according to the conditions of the experiment.



