Impact of Adding some Biostimulants (Bacteria and Fungi), and Nitrogen Fertilizer, on the Growth and yield of Arugula Plant


  • Zainab Aziz Coll. of Agric-Al-Qasim Green Univ. Author
  • Mohammed Sahib Coll. of Agric-Al-Qasim Green Univ. Author
  • Baydaa Hilo Coll. of Agric-Al-Qasim Green Univ. Author


biostimulants, organic agriculture, leafy vegetables, nitrogen fertilizer and carrier materials, waste products


The experiment was carried out in Babylon Province, on one of the farms affiliated with the College of Agriculture - Al-Qasim Green.This experiment was conducted during autumn  season 2022-2023 in one of the private fields in Al-Azawia in Al-Musayab district it is located 40 kilometers north of the center of Al-Hillah city in Babil Governorate, within specific longitude 44° 25' 10.67" E and latitude 32° 27' 49.21" N coordinates  , to study the production of arugula organically comparing used  nitrogenous chemical fertilizer (urea) , within a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replicates. And with two factors:- The first factor: control treatment included (without addition) and carrier substances only(40% decomposed palm compost - 30% decomposed sheep waste - 20% poultry waste-5%charcoal-5%sawdust) adding the bio-fertilizer that It contains bacteria(50ml.liter-1),Trichoderma (30g), Mycorrhiza(30g) and a combination of microorganisms (bacteria, Trichoderma and mycorrhizal fungi).The second factor: Nitrogen fertilizer(urea) control treatment included (without addition) and the addition of nitrogen fertilizer (urea) a quarter of the recommended (15km/hectar) and half of the recommended (30km/hectar). The results showed that: each of these traits increased significantly, such as Plant height, leaf count, leaf area, and dry matter percentage in the first harvest and quantity of yield in the second harvest, total chlorophyll content, and leaves content of soluble total carbohydrate increased upon the addition of combination of microorganisms and nitrogen fertilizer (urea). Carrier materials didn't affect all studied traits significantly.


