Impact of adding vitamin C and crude alcoholic extract of Petroselinum crispum leaves and their mixture to drinking water in some physiological traits of broiler exposed to heat stress


  • Mohammed Jasim Department of Animal Production, College of Agriculture, The University of Al-Qadisiyah Author


Alcoholic extract, Broiler, Heat stress, Petroselinum crispum, Vitamin C


The study involved the use of 180 chicks, with an average age of 1 day and a body weight of 40 g, regardless of sex, distributed among four treatments, since one treatment contained 45 bird, each in 3 replicates (15 chicks/ Replicat), for 5 weeks, from the third week to the end of the experiment, chicken temperature (28-36 -30 ± 2 °C) and humidity (40-60-50 ± 2%) time (700-1200- 1900) at the end of the fifth week. Chicks were randomly assigned as follows: - The first treatment (T1) was a control treatment with no supplementation of drinking water, the second treatment (T2) was supplemented with 300 mg/L vitamin C in the water , the third treatment (T3) addition to 300 mg/l water from Petroselinum crispum alcoholic extract, fourth treatment (T4) added to 300 mg/l water from Petroselinum crispum alcoholic extract and 300 mg/l vitamin C to water to each, study The results showed a significant increase in the proportion of lymphocytes for all additional treatments and a significant decrease in the percentage of heterophil and the ratio of heterophil to lymphocytes (H/L) in favor of the add-on treatment compared to the control treatment, the results also showed that the percentage of total protein in serum was significantly increased in favor of adjuvant therapy, e favored T3 and T4 in glucose, cholesterol, ALT and AST enzyme concentrations and significantly favored T3 and T4 The results also showed that some T3 and T4 parameters significantly increased antioxidant enzymes represented by catalase and glutathione peroxidase in serum. We concluded from the study that using Petroselinum crispum alcohol Extracts and Vitamin C and their blends helped to improve the physiological properties in most of the studies, stating that T3 and T4 gave the best results.


