Effect of pinching, kinetin, and humic acid on Qualitative and quantitative traits of, Rosmarinus officinalis L.


  • Amal Al-Shammari Al-Qasim Green University - College of Agriculture - Department of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering Author
  • Baydaa Hilo Al-Qasim Green University - College of Agriculture - Department of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering Author


rosemary, pinching, humic acid,, kinetin, volatile oil


The experiment was conducted in lathhouse of the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering/College of Agriculture/Al-Qasim Green University in autumn season (2022-2023), where rosemary seedlings were used.At the age of one year, of uniform development, the experiment included two factors: the first factor (pinching), where it is done Half of the plants were stranded, symbolized by the symbol P1, and the rest of the plants were left without pinching, P0, and the factor second (adding humic acid and spraying kinetin), where the effect of adding humic acid was studied.For the soil according to the concentrations (0,4,8 ml/L) and symbolized by (H0, H1, H2), the plants were sprayed with kinetin and the treatment was conducted by spraying on the leaves until they were completely wet with concentrations of 0.50, 100 mg/L) and symbolized by (K0). K1K2), and it was conducted as a factorial experiment (3*3*2)) in a split-plot arrangement according to a randomized complete block design (R.C.B.D) and with three replicates, where each replicate contains 18 treatments with five seedlings for each experimental unit. The main plot are pinching, and the humic concentrations and kinetin concentrations and their interactions are represented. sub plot. The averages were compared using the Least Significant Difference (LSD) test at the 5% level. The results showed the following: The pinching achieved significantly excelled in the studied physical traits of the volatile oil and the active compounds, including: - Specific gravity of the oil (0.81 mg), Myrcene compound (5.81%), and Camphor compound (14.74). (%), and the a-pinene compound (19.59%), and the treatment without pinching achieved excelled on the pinching treatment in the percentage of oil in the leaves amounting to 0.68%. Also, adding humic acid to the soil had a significant effect on the plants treated with humic acid at a concentration (8 ml/ liter) as it excelled in giving the best rates in traits of: -The specific gravity of the volatile oil is (0.77 mg), the percentage of oil in the leaves is 0.87%), and the active compounds of the oil include Myrcene compound (6.19%), and Camphor compound and the compound a-pinene (19.70%). The spraying treatment with kinetin at a concentration (100 mg/L) achieved significantly higher values in the physical traits of the volatile oil and the active compounds of the oil, including: -The percentage of oil in the leaves is (0.74%), and the specific weight of the oil is 0.81 mg. Spraying with kinetin also achieved the highest values in compounds, including Myrcene (5.87%), Camphor (14.82%), a-pinene (19.70%), and the interaction The combination of the three factors: spraying P1, adding humic acid at a concentration of 0, and spraying with kinetin at a concentration of 0 gave significantly the highest values for the following traits:The density of the volatile oil is (0.14 mg. µl -1), and the specific gravity of the volatile oil is (0.92 mg). Also, the P1 impregnation parameters, the addition of humic at a concentration of (8 ml/l) and spraying with kinetin at a concentration of 0 achieved the highest values for the leaf content of the oil density (0.14 mg. µl -1), also the impurity parameters (P1), humic (8 ml/l) and spraying with kinetin (50 mg/l) gave the highest values that significantly affected the density of the oil (0.14 mg). µl-1), and the treatment that gave the highest values for spraying P1 and humic at a concentration of (8 ml/L) and spraying with kinetin at a concentration of 100 mg/L was achieved significantly in the Myrcene compound (6.64%), and the compound Camphor (15.73%), and a-pinene (20.83%). The treatments without P0, humic (8 ml/L) and kinetin (100 mg/L) also achieved the highest values for the percentage of oil in the leaves (1.34%).



