Effect of spraying nano zinc on the growth of two cultivars of broad beans infected with alternarial spote


  • Ruaa Mahmoud Al-Qasim Green University Author


ZnO-NPs, zinc oxide nanoparticles, Alternaria spot in broad beans, Alternaria alternata


The results of the research showed that nano zinc are highly effective in inhibiting the growth of the fungus Alternaria alternata, which causes alternarial leave spot in beans. It was found that the concentration of 20 micrograms/ml was the best, as the inhibition rate was 100% for the fungal isolate used when treated with ZnON-Ps compared to the control treatment. which reached 0%. The field experiment was carried out to study effect of adding nano-zinc oxide on broad bean growth indicators. The results of the field experiment showed the superiority of spraying with nano-zinc oxide in all treatments, as the lowest percentage of infection with the fungus A. alternata in nano-zinc oxide treatment was 28.33%.Compared to the fungi treatment alone, which amounted to 88.33%, the infection severity was also lower when using nano-zinc oxide by 6.75%. When compared to the fungi treatment alone, which amounted to 70.91%, the results also showed effect of nano-zinc oxide on the studied vegetative growth traits. This study showed that nano zinc (ZnO-NPs) were the best, as they gave the highest results in recording the highest average chlorophyll content of 54.01. The average dry weight of vegetative growth, which amounted to 65.1 g.plant-1, the average dry weight of the root system, which was 5.92 g.plant-1, and the plant height, where effect of adding nano-zinc oxide on plant height was 47.56 cm in the treatment of the healthy plant to which ZnO-NPs were added.



