Effect of two oat cultivars and different spraying concentrations of some amino acids on the yield characteristic and their components


  • Saad AL-Shadawi Agriculture Directorate of Basrah, Ministry of Agriculture, Iraq Author
  • Sabreen Alrubaiee Field Crops Department, College of Agriculture, University of Basrah, Iraq Author


oats, cultivars, amino acids


A field experiment was conducted during the 2021-2022 season in the fields of the Agricultural Research Station affiliated to the College of Agriculture - University of Basra, 30 km north of the center of Basra provaince, with the aim of studying the effect of spraying levels of amino acids on yield traits and its components of two cultivars of oats (Avena sativa L.).Two cultivars of oats (Shifaa and Ganzania) and six treatments were studied for spraying amino acids (50 mg L-1 L-tryptophan, 100 mg L-1 of L-tryptophan, 50 mg L-1 of L-Glysine, and 100 mg L-1 of L- Glysine, 50 mg L-1 of L-Lysine, and 100 mg L-1 of L-Lysine) with control treatment without spraying.The experiment was applied using the randomized complete block design (R.C.B.D), with split plot arrangement, with three replicates .The results showed that the cultivars differed significantly among themselves in most of the traits of the study. The cultivar Shifa was excelled in the number of panicles, the weight of 1000 grains, and the grain yield, with an increase of 8.85%, 31.54%, and 4.89%, respectively, compared with the cultivar Ganzania. As for the treatments of spraying amino acids, they showed a significantly excelled when spraying tryptophan at a concentration of 50 mg L-1, and gave the highest mean of the number of panicles, the number of grain  in the sepals, and the grain yield. We conclude from this study that amino acids play an important role in plant growth. Spraying tryptophan at a concentration of 50 mg L-1 with Shifa cultivar gave a significant increase in the number of panicles.



