Effect of chemical and nano fertilizers on the yield and its components of broad bean crop


  • Raghad Hassan 1Al-Musayyib Technical College, Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University Author
  • Nasser Nasser Essaouira Technical Institute, Central Technical College Author


chemical fertilizer, nano, cultivars


    A field experiment was conducted in two locations, the first in Wasit province, Al-Hafria area, and the second in the Al-Azzawiya area, north of Babylon province, during 2022-2023 agricultural season, in order to study the effect of chemical and nano-fertilizers on traits of the yield and its components of the bean crop. The experiment included three factors, the first three cultivars: Aquadulce, Aquadulge, and LuzDeotono. The second factor is three levels of NPK chemical fertilizer (100, 50, 0%), and the third factor is three levels of nano-fertilizer at three concentrations (4, 2, 0 g L-1). The experiment was applied in a split-plot method according to the design of complete plots. Randomized R.C.B.D with three replications. The Aquadulce cultivar excelled in the number of seeds per pod, reaching 6.05 and 5.92 pod seeds, the total yield was 9.11 and 9.45 tons .ha-1, and the biological yield was 14.32 and 15.04 tons .ha-1 for the two location respectively. While the Luz De Otono cultivar gave the two highest averages in the number of pods .plant and the weight of 100 seeds, reaching 18.83 pods .plant-1 in the second location and 159.22 g in the first location. Increasing the level of mineral fertilizer to 100% led to an increase in the yield trait and its components for the two location, as It gave the highest averages in the number of pods .plant, the number of seeds per pod, the total seed yield, and the biological yield, which reached 21.15 and 22.28 pods .plant-1, 6.28, and 6.22 seed pod-1, 11.94, and 12.36 tons per ha-1, and 17.66, and 18.27. Ton-1 for successive signatories compared to the control treatment. Spraying with nanofertilizer with the highest concentration of N2 gave the highest average weight of 100 seeds, reaching 164.25 and 163.65 grams for the two location respectively. The interaction between chemical and nano-fertilizers had a significant effect on some yield traits, as the combination (F2×N2) gave the two highest averages for total seed yield and biological yield, reaching 14.41 and 15.00 tons ha-1 and 20.87 and 21.60 tons ha-1 for the two location respectively. The interaction between the chemical fertilizer and the cultivars had a significant effect, as the combination (F2×V1) gave the highest averages in total yield, amounting to 12.50 and 13.20 tons ha-1. The interaction between the nano-fertilizers and the cultivars had a significant effect, as the combination (N2×V2) gave the two highest averages in the number of The pods .plant and the weight of 100 seeds reached 20.33 pods .plant and 167.02 grams in the first location. The triple interaction was significant in the total seed yield and the biological yield of the two location in the sequence with the combination (F2×N2×V1), giving the two highest averages of 15.76 and 16.93 tons ha-1 and 22.79 and 24.77 tons ha-1.



