Response of sweet lemon seedling to addition dates and levels of seaweed extracts


  • Sulaiman Kako University of Duhok, Kurdistan region-Iraq Author
  • Shaymaa Abdulqader University of Duhok, Kurdistan region-Iraq Author
  • Ayad Alalaf, Mosul University, Mosul, Iraq. Author
  • Suad al Hamed University of Duhok, Kurdistan region-Iraq. Author


seaweed extracts, sweet lemon, seedling, dates, Response


The study aimed to demonstrate the importance of dates and levels of seaweed extracts in accelerating the growth of sweet lemon seedlings and improving their vegetative characteristics and mineral content to obtain fast-growing seedlings. Use two dates for adding fertilizers (every 15 and 30 days) and 9 fertilizer treatments that represent a mixture of the two extracts, Hefe algae and Super fifty, that were sprayed on the leaves. The most important results obtained at the end of the study showed that the ninth treatment of the fertilizer combination included (8 ml.L-1 of Hefe algae extract + 8 ml.L-1 of Super fifty extract) recorded the highest significant increase in the traits) concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and iron in leaves, leaf area, chlorophyll concentration in leaves, and increase in seedling height) compared to the comparison treatment, which gave the least significant values for these traits. While there were no significant differences between the dates of adding fertilizers in most of the studied traits except for the superiority of the first date (every 15 days) over the second date (every 30 days) in terms of traits (phosphorus concentration in leaves and increase in seedling diameter), while the second date was superior to the first date in Adjective (the increase in the height of the seedlings).



