Field test for methods and cultivation distances on wheat productivity


  • Shathar Alaamer , University of Al- Furat Al-Awsat Technical, Iraq. Author
  • , Salih Alsharifi University of Al-Qasim Green, Iraq Author
  • Naim Shtewy3 University of Al-Qasim Green, Iraq Author


Famarol, wheat/Abu Ghraib3 cultivar, ( SM), SDE, SD.


The impact of sowing method,organized lines traffic ( SOLT) and random lines traffic(SRLT), on the wheat/Abu Ghraib3 cultivar was carried out based on some technical indicators, under two levels SDE of 9.6 and 10.8cm,  and three SD of 14,16and 18cm. A field experiment carried out in the AL-Hashimia 15 km south of the centre of Hila city, for the fall agricultural season of 2021 in silty loam soil. The SDE of 9.6cm was meaningfully better than SDE of 10.8cm in all studied parameters. Such as, the germination percentage, germination speed, PVI, root length, root dry and fresh weight, plant dry and fresh weight and grain yield, were79 %,75.87%,54.76%, 16.88 cm, 1.42 g,0.43g, and 4.311tha-1respectively. The MS- SOLT was meaningfully superior than MS- SRLT in all study properties .The SD (14cm) was significant at level better than of 16 and 18cm  in all studied parameters. For sowing distances of 14cm, the germination percentage, germination speed, PVI, root length, root dry and fresh weight, plant dry and fresh weight and grain yield, were 79.66%, 75.99%, 57.24% ,17.31 cm, 1.42 g, 0.43g, and 4.656 tha-1 respectively.



