Responses of Growth and Quality treats to Micro-Nano elements of two Varieties of Corn for two Seasons


  • Hussein Barjas Ministry of Agriculture\Iraq Nineveh Agriculture Directorate First Qayara Agriculture Division Author
  • Muthanna Ali College of Agriculture and Forestry / University of Mosul – Iraq Author


Corn, micro-nanoelements, seasons


The research was Carry out the spring and autumn of 2022 in the village of Tulul Nasir / Al-Shura district (50 km south of Mosul) north of Iraq. The study included two varieties of maize (Dijlah) and (Al-Forat) and five treatments with micro-nano elements (Fe 9%, Zn 1% and Mn 1%), namely: spraying water and spraying plants with concentrations of 2 and 4 g. L-1 and spraying the soil with a concentration of 2.25 and 5.25 g. L-1 until complete wetness in the flowering stage. The split-plate system was used according to the randomized complete block design (R.C.B.D) with three replications as a factorial experiment. The following traits were measured: plant height (cm), leaf area (cm2), leaf area index, test weight (kg.hL-1), protein percentage, protein yield, oil percentage and oil yield. The study indicate that Dijlah variety was significantly superior in plant height (193.8 cm) and leaf area (5908.5 cm2) and leaf area index (3.15), while the Al-Forat was significantly superior in the characteristics of test weight (73.15 kg.hL-1), protein percentage (11.69%), protein yield (14.76), oil percentage (4.28%) and oil yield (5.41). It is noted from the results of spraying treatments with nano-microelements that a significant superiority was recorded for the treatment of soil spraying with a concentration of 2.25 g for the characteristics of plant height, leaf area and its index, protein percentage and its yield, and values (202.40 cm, 6483.6 cm2, 3.46, 12.31% and 16.29 g) were recorded, respectively, while All treatments of spraying with nano scale microelements, whether on plants or soil, were superior compared to the comparison treatment in the characteristics of test weight, oil percentage, and oil yield. As for a factor season, a significant superiority is observed for the autumn in the characteristics of plant height (215.27 cm), leaf area (6181.3 cm2), its index (3.29), protein yields (5.09), and oil (5.72), While significant superiority is noted for the spring season test weight and protein percentage with an average of (74.93 kg.hL-1 and 11.96%), respectively. Most of the three interactions recorded significant differences for all studied traits, especially those of which nano fertilization is a part of it.



