Effect of sodium azide on some physiological traits of genotypes of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under different salinity levels


  • Ahmed Al Aboudi College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad Author
  • Majid Hamdallah Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Baghdad Author
  • Abdel Musa Agricultural Research Department, Ministry of Agriculture Author


sodium azide, physiological traits, rice


A field experiment was conducted at rice research station in Al-Mishkhab (Al-Najaf provainc) during (2021) season. The split-split-plot system was used with a randomized complete block design (RCBD),As the first factor was represented by salinity levels (river water, 100 mmol, 150 mmol) and the second factor was mutagenesis by sodium increase in different concentrations (1.5 mmol and 2 mmol with treatment without mutagen) and the third factor was the genotypes (V1 and V3) and the Ambar 33 cultivar for control at the end of the season, samples were taken and analyzed, and the results appeared as follows: Increasing salt levels led to an increase in proline content and an increase in the activity of antioxidant enzymes (SOD, POD, and CAT). Mutation with sodium azide increased proline content, increased POD and SOD enzyme activity, and improved tolerance to salt stress. As for the genotypes, the V1 genotype was excelled in most physiological traits compared to the V3 genotype and Ambar 33.


