The role of NPK nanofertilizer in the growth of four bread wheat cultivars


  • Jaafar Al-Masoudi Al Musaib Technical College, Al Furat Al Awsat Technical University Author
  • Mahdi Al-Saeedi Al Musaib Technical College, Al Furat Al Awsat Technical University Author


NPK , nanofertilizer, bread wheat


A field experiment was conducted during the winter season 2021-2022 in ALeskandria sub-district, Babylon province, according to the randomized complete block design (RCBD), with split plot arrangement, and with three replicates. In order to study the growth response of four cultivars of bread wheat to foliar nutrition nano NPK , the experiment included two factors, the first of which were four cultivars of wheat ((IPA,Barcelona ,Edan ,and Cihan). The second factor is four concentrations of nano-zero NPK (full mineral recommendation), 2g/L, 1.5g/L, and 1g/L. The results showed the following: The Edna cultivar excelled in the  flag leaf area reaching (39.46) cm2, the content of the flag leaf of chlorophyll amounted to (48.49) µg/cm2, the plant height reached (98.84) cm, and the dry matter weight at the stage of 100% flowering amounted to (7.318) tons ha-1.The fertilization treatment (B2) excelled by giving it the largest flag leaf area , which amounted to (41.72) cm2, and the content of the flag leaf of chlorophyll amounted to (47.66) micrograms / cm2.The plant height reached (95.42) cm, and the weight of the dry matter at the stage of 100% flowering reached (6.72) tons. ha-1. The interaction between cultivars and fertilizer treatments excelled in most of the growth traits.


