Effect of bacterial isolated Bacillus subtillus, Azospirillium brasilences and agricultural medium on the growth and flowering of the Ranunculus asiaticus


  • Zahraa Jaber Al-Mussaib Technical College, AL-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University,Iraq. Author
  • Kawther Abood Al-Mussaib Technical College, AL-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University,Iraq. Author


bio- fertilizers, Bacillus subtillus, decomposed horse waste, Azospirillium brasilences, Ranunculus- asiaticus


The research was conducted in the greenhouse of the Plant Production Techniques Department, Al-Mussaib Technical College for the autumn season 2019-2020. To study the effect of bacterial isolated Bacillus subtillus, Azospirillium brasilences and agricultural medium on the growth and flowering of the Ranunculus asiaticus,( 'Aviv Red'  Cultivar) in pots  22 cm in diameter, The research included the effect of two factors, the first factor the bio fertilizers bacterial, with four levels (without the bacterial vaccine, Bacillus subtillus,  Azospirillium  brasilences, Azospirillium brasilences  +Bacillus subtillus) and which it were symbolized by (B0, B1, B2, B3) and the second factor, the agricultural medium that included (River soil + peat moss at a ratio of 2:1 , River soil + 3%, decomposed horse waste ,River soil+ 3% spent  mushroom compost( Agaricus bisporus) , River soil + 5% decomposed horse waste ,River soil+ 5% spent  mushroom compost ( Agaricus bisporus ) and which it were symbolized by (A0, A1, A2, A3, A4). factor experiment was conducted according to Completely Randomized Design ( C.R.D ) and by three replicates and each replicate contains (20 treatments), The averages were compared according to the L.S.D test under the 0.05 probability level .The results of this study can be summarized as follows: -

The treatment with bio fertilizers bacterial resulted in a significant increase in all the studied traits. where the treatment of B3 (mixture) recorded the highest average in plant height, relative chlorophyll content in leaves, percentage of carbohydrates in leaves, number of flowers, The duration of the flowers on the plant, the number of tuberous roots and the results were as follows: 44.80 cm, 35.92 spad unit , 13.62%, 12.87 flowers.plant-1, 17.03 days, 7.92 roots.plant-1 respectively.The results showed the excelled of the agricultural medium treatments, where the A3 treatment (River soil + 5% decomposed horse waste) recorded the highest average for most the studied traits, plant height, relative chlorophyll content in the leaves, and,The number of flowers, The duration of the flowers on the plant, the number of tuberous roots and the results were as follows, 44.88 cm, 40.72 Spad unit , 14.23%, 13.38 flowers.Plant-1, 18.83 days, 7.82 roots.plant-1.The results of the bi-interaction between the biofertilizer bacterial and the agricultural medium showed significantly excelled in most the studied traits. where the A3B3 treatment excelled in the plant height, the relative chlorophyll content in the leaves, , the number of flowers, the duration of the flower stay on the plant, and the results were as follows: 53.17 cm, 45.23 spad, 17.17 flower.plant-1,23.11 day. The treatment of the bi-interaction treatment A2B3, also excelled by giving the highest average number of tuberous roots 9.11 root.plant -1.




