Extraction and characterization of the beta-glucan from Saccharomyces boulardii with detecting its effect on the immune response


  • Zahraa Reda Department of Food Sciences, College of Agriculture /, University of Baghdad, Iraq Author
  • Jenan ALwaaili Department of Food Sciences, College of Agriculture /, University of Baghdad, Iraq Author


b-glucan, anticarcinogenic activity, monoclonal antibodies, IL10,b-glucan


The aim of this research was to study the immunological properties of beta-glucan extracted from S.boulardii yeast. after activating the S.boulardii .The biomass was formed using the optimal culture medium, and the beta-glucan was extracted using the base and acid method, and the chemical and physical properties were studied.The immunological properties were studied after conducting the biological experiment on two groups of rats, group A1, which is the control group, and group A2, which is the group that was fed beta-glucan at a dose of (5) mg.kg-1 of weight and they were dosed with (1) ml of beta-glucan solution, and after conducting the biological experiment for 30 days, and immunological examinations were performed for the two groups.The following immunological tests were coundected: IL10, IgM and IgE tests, and the results were compared between the two groups. Significant differences were observed at the level of P<0.5 for IL and IgM tests, and there was no significant difference in IgE tests, and it was noted that there was no weight gain for the rats after the dosing period. Where the results proved that the beta-glucan extract is one of the immune compounds that showed its efficiency in prevention and treatment.



