Response of two Endive cultivars to Bio fertilizer and spraying with total amino acids in some qualitative indicators


  • Mahmood Mahmood Faculty of Agriculture /University of Kufa. Iraq Author
  • Fouad Slman Faculty of Agriculture /University of Kufa. Iraq Author


Endive cultivar, bio fertilizers, amino acids, qualitative indicators


A field experiment was conducted on two Endive varieties in one of The Development Project in the desert area of the Plant Production Department in the Holy Karbala Agriculture Directorate during the agricultural season 2019-2020. The experiment was a factorial experiment according to the split split plot design using a randomized complete block design (R.C.B.D.) and with three replications, the averages were compared using the LSD test with a probability level of 0.05.

Most of the overlap treatments showed significant superiority in the triple overlap treatment of the Endivien variety, as it gave the highest values in the quality indicators of the leaf content of Carbohydrates to 2.53 mg100gm-1, nitrates to 79.10 mg gm-1 dry weight, total amino acids to 218.00 µm. gm fresh weight-1, and chlorophyll to 83.82 mg100gm-1 fresh weight .



