Effect of Phosphorus and Nitrogen fertilizer applications on growth and yield traits of Mung Bean (Vigna Radiata L.) under northern Iraq conditions


  • Zaid Alhabbar Department of Field Crops, College of Agriculture and Forestry Author


Mung bean, Cultivars, Phosphorus and Nitrogen fertilizer


A field experiment was carried out at the Farmer Field, Al-Abbasiya, Mosul, Iraq, during the growing season of 2023 to evaluate the effect of cultivars and combinations of Phosphorus and Nitrogen levels and their interaction on grain yield and its components of Ming bean. The experiment included two Mung bean cultivars (Black-gram and Green-gram), and four combinations of Phosphorus and Nitrogen fertilizer applications (P0/N0, P50 /N25, P25 /N50, P50 /N50 kg/ha), and their interactions. The current experiment was laid out with a Randomized Complete Block Design (R.C.B.D) with three replications. Among the Mung bean cultivars, Green-gram cultivar produced a higher branch number (4.14 branch/plant), Pod number (26.00/pod/plant), grain number (5.80 grain/pod), 100-grain weight (3.97 g), grain yield (6.12 g/plant). Under the combination of phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizer, the treatment P50 /N50 produced the maximum value in most studied traits. However, the interaction of Green-gram cultivars and the combination of phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizer (P50/N50) was significant in most studied traits. It is concluded that selecting the suitable cultivar and applying the proper combination of phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizer can improve grain yield and its components of Mung bean grown under North Iraqi conditions.


