Effect of sprays of licorice and seaweed extracts on yield and Qualityof corn (Zea mays L.)


  • Ali Gatea Al-Musaib Technical College Author
  • Haider Hussein Al-Musaib Technical College Author


A field experiment was conducted in autumn season (2022) on one of the farms in Al-Madhatiya district, south of Babylon province (randomized complete block design (RCBD) as a factorial experiment). The experiment included three factors, namely licorice extract and three concentrations (0, 5, 10) mg.L-1 and are coded (L0, L1, L2). The second factor is adding seaweed extract sprayed on the leaves at three concentrations (0, 4, 8 mg L-1) and are coded (A0, A1, A2). The third factor is the number of sprays and Three sprays (once, twice, and three times) were coded (N1, N2, N3). Thus, the experiment included 27 treatments for each replicate, and the total number of experimental units reached 81 experimental units. The results showed the following:

-1 The licorice extract at a concentration of 10 mg.L-1 (L2) excelled in all the characteristics studied, including (number of cob, total yield kg ha-1, protein percentage, oil percentage%) by giving it the highest means of (32.03) grain.cob - 1.53.34 g - 1.9.82% 4.82%(.

  2-The seaweed  extract at a concentration of 8 mg L-1 (A2) excelled in all the studied characteristics, including (number of grains, oil percentage, protein percentage), by giving it the highest means of (34.66 grains.cob-1, 5.10%). , 10.20%(

   3-As for the spraying periods, the spraying treatment was three times higher in the studied characteristics, including (weight of 300 grains g-1, oil percentage, protein percentage%) by giving it the highest means of (53.86 g-1, 5.37%, 10.53%(.As for the binary interactions between licorice and seaweed , licorice and the number of sprays, and algae and the number of sprays, the treatments (L2, A2, N3) and the concentration (10 mg L-1 licorice, 8 mg L-1 seaweed , for three sprayings) were superior in some of the studied traits. Including (the number of grains in a row, and the percentage of oil), by giving them the highest means, which amounted to (36.60 grains, row-1, 35.96 grains, row-1, 38.94 grains, row-1), (5.32, 5.47, 5.57%), while it was insignificant for the season in the percentage Protein.As for the triple interactions of the three elements of licorice and seaweed  and the number of sprays, the combination (L2A2N3) (at a concentration of 10 mg L-1 licorice, 8 mg L-1 seaweed  and the number of sprays) gave the combination, and for three sprays the highest means in some of the studied characteristics, including (number of grains row-1, oil percentage %, amounted to (41.05 grains cob-1), (6.09%).


