Phytochemical Determination and Insecticidal Activity of some plants Extracts against Varroa pest Varroa destructo


  • Kamila Shaher University of Baghdad / College of Agriculture Author
  • Ibtisam Awwad University of Baghdad / College of Agriculture Author


Phytochemical Determination , Insecticidal Activity , Extracts , Varroa pest , Varroa destructo


This study was conducted in the College of Science for Girls / University of Baghdad for the period from 4/1/2022 to 31/5/2022 to demonstrate the effect and effectiveness of plant extracts (Peganum, cinnamon, propolis) by testing concentrations (1%, 2%, 3%, 3.25%) g /L as well as the use of Irwin, In addition to the control treatment (spraying with water) on the vitality of the Beehive and on the Varroa parasite, Where the laboratory experiment was conducted in the garden of the vegetable herb laboratories in the Department of Seed testing and Certification and the selection of the effective concentration on Varroa for all alcoholic and hexane extracts to see its effect on Varroa and bees. The results of the laboratory experiment of alcoholic and hexane extracts of plants (Peganum, cinnamon, propolis) showed that concentrations (1), (2) g /L do not affect the fall of Varroa pest, and that the concentration 3 g / L leads to the fall of Varroa without affecting the movement and shedding of workers. As for the concentration of 3.25 g /L , and through testing it was found that it leads to nervous movement of the workers and the death of some of them, so it was preferred to use the concentration of 3 g /L  for all treatments.As for the results of the field experiment of alcoholic and hexane extracts of plants (Peganum, cinnamon, propolis), the best extracts effective in killing the Varroa pest was the alcoholic extract of Peganum, Where the average percentage of pest killing was 53.9%, which was significantly superior to all extracts.It was followed by the hexane cinnamon extract with a killing percentage rate of 47.3%, which was also significantly excelled on some other extracts but not others. The lowest percentage killing Varroa was 20.3% for the compared pesticide Irwin.There was no negative or harmful effect of all the plant extracts used in the experiment on the individuals and brood of bees and their products.


