Effect of alcoholic extract of dendritic enamel Lantana Camara on the destruction of larvae and adults of the red rusty flour beetle castaneum (Harbst) Tribolium


  • Huda Ameer Al-Mussaib Technical College Author
  • Abbas Hamza Al-Mussaib Technical College Author
  • Najah Bari Al-Mussaib Technical College Author


 The mortality rates of the alcoholic extract of the enamel tree plant for the adults of the red rusty flour beetle were 22.18% at a concentration of 25%, while the larvae reached 33.28%, while at a concentration of 50% it reached 50.11% for larvae it reached 52.22%, while at a concentration of 75% it reached 74.44%, and the larvae reached 81.16% Compared with the control treatment, where the highest percentage of death reached 0.00%, and this is an average of time periods during (72,48,24) hours for dendritic enamel plants, and the results indicated that there is a direct relationship between the concentration of the extract and the percentage of the death rate


