The Effect Of Potassium Supplementation And Foliar Spraying With Ascorbic Acid On The Vegetative Growth of  Triticum   aestivum  L.


  • Fatima Alasadi Department of Biology, College of Education for Pure Science, University of Kerbala Author


Potassium, Ascorbic acid,, Triticum   aestivum


           An experiment was carried out at Al-Husseiniya using plastic pots to investigate the effects of potassium fertilization and foliar spraying with  ascorbic acid and their interactions on some vegetative growth characteristics of wheat (Abu Ghraib) cultivar growing in mixed sandy soil during the agricultural season 2020-2021. The experiment factors were represented by three levels of potassium fertilization (B), which are (0, 100, 200) kg k. h-1 Fertilization was carried out in three batches: after emergence, three leaf stage and at flowering. The second factor was represented by three concentrations of ascorbic acid (A), which are (0, 300, 600) mg. L-1 was sprayed in two stages, the first at the thinning stage (four-leaf stage) and the second at elongation (8-leaf stage). The experiment included 27 experimental units according to a completely randomized design (C.R.D) with three replications. the following Statistically, the results of the current study showed the following                                    

1-Potassium fertilization" had a significant effect on the vegetative growth traits, as" these traits increased with increasing potassium levels at the level of 200 kg K. h-1 reflected  by the plant height and the number of leaves reached 51 cm and 14.8 leaves. Plant-1  in that  order

2-Foliar spraying with ascorbic acid showed a " significant effect on some characteristics of vegetative growth at a concentration of 600 mg. L-1 was represented by plant height, number" of prunings, and the flag leaf area was 50 cm and 4.2 pruning. Plant-1 and 355.4 cm2. Plant-1

3-Show the bilateral interaction of foliar spraying with ascorbic acid at a concentration of 600 mg. L-1 and potassium fertilization at the level of 200 kg k. h-1 showed  a significant differences and rersulated the highest value for all vegetative growth characteristics, represented by plant height, number of shoots, number of leaves, and flag leaf area of 57 cm and 4.5 bushes. Plant -1 and 15.7 leaves. Plant-1 and 379.9 cm2. Plant -1 in order and it is considered the best treatment.                     



