Isolation and identification of Lactobacillus bacteria in the stomach of honey bees and recording a type of bacteria


  • Israa Dagher Baghdad University/ College of Agricultural Author
  • Kamila Shaher Baghdad University/ College of Agricultural Author


Isolation, identification, Lactobacillus bacteria, honey


This study was conducted in the apiaries of the College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences / University of Baghdad, and 15 packages of Apis mellifera  honey bees were selected. As Lactobacillus bacteria were isolated from the stomach of honey bees, where samples were taken from the bees at the rate of (20) bees for each treatment , the stomach of the bees was withdrawn, Then, it was mashed and inoculated on MRS agar solid culture medium in plates, and the plates were incubated in the incubator at 37°C for 48 hours. The results of the molecular diagnosis by PCR technique showed that the proportions of matching the nucleotide sequence of a part of the 16S ribosomal RNA gene of the bacterium Apilactobacillus kunkeei isolated from honey bees in Baghdad province, which were multiplied using the primer kit (16 SrRNA) and its equivalent sequences retrieved from the gene bank. The phylogenetic tree, which was drawn by the (Tamura) program of the type of macrophages, shows the genetic relationship that was built from the nucleotide sequences of part of the genetic region 16 SrRNA ribosomal gene belonging to the bacterium Apilactobacillus kunkeei isolated from honey bees in Baghdad Governorate (marked with the symbol ○). They were duplicated using primers set (16 srRNA) and their equivalent sequences retrieved from the GenBank.


