Effect of Nano Silicon spraying on the Growth and Yield of Three Varieties of Faba Bean Grown in Saline Soil


  • Huda Atab Department of Field Crops, Al-Qasim Green University Author
  • Rafid Al Ubori Department of Field Crops, Al-Qasim Green University Author
  • Mansoor Aboohanah Department of Horticulture and Garden Engineering, Kufa University Author


Faba Bean, Nano-silicon, Saline soils


A field experiment was carried out during winter seasons (2021-2022) in the field experiments field of the Muradiya, to know the study of the effect of silicon nanospraying on the growth and yield of three varieties of  faba beans grown in saline soils. The experimental design was carried out in the arrangement of splinter panels according to the design of the complete random sectors (RCBD) in three repeats, The varieties (Turkish, Spanish and Dutch) included the main panels while the secondary panels included the paper spraying of nano-silicon Included three concentrations (0, 1 and 2 ml/L) . The process of spraying silicon nanotechnology was performed in two periods, the first spray after 88 days of germination (the stage of the beginning of flowering) and the second spray two weeks after the date of the first spray, the first season was planted on 15/10/2021. The results showed the superiority of foliar feeding with a concentration of silicon nano scale 2 ml \liter significantly in the paper area (2869.20 cm 2) and the seed yield (2.75 tons / h), while the varieties outperform the Spanish variety in most of the studied characteristics plant height (108.92 cm), leaf area (3315.00 cm 2 and seed yield (3.01 tons / ha).


