Evaluation of gene expression and genetic polymorphism of four genetic structures of Vicia faba L.  under the influence salinity stress


  • M Merhij Department of Field Crops, Al-Qasim Green University Author
  • Hamzah Al-Khafaji Department of Field Crops, Al-Qasim Green University Author


Broad bean, Salinity Stress, Genetic dimensions, Gene expression


A field experiment for the winter season (2022-2023) was carried out in the field of the Department of Crops / Faculty of Agriculture - Al-Qasim Green University, to find out the estimation of gene expression and genetic distancing using cluster analysis The four genetic structures of beans under stress of different salinity levels, the experiment included two factors according to factor experiments, the first factor is four genetic structures (local V1, Turkish V2, Spanish V3, Dutch V4) while the second factor included three levels of soil salinity (2, 6 and 9 decemens). The results indicated that salt stress had an effect on gene expression and the highest gene expression in the Turkish and Spanish varieties showed the highest values in the amount of gene expression of the study genes at the salt level 6 and 9 decimensem-1, while the local and Dutch varieties gave a lower amount of gene expression compared to the control gene. The results of the data analysis also showed that the highest Euclidean distance based on quantitative indicators was 1111 between the Turkish genotype V2 and the Spanish genotype V3 V3, while the Euclidean distance between the V3 genotype and the V4 genotype was (237.51), which is the lowest distance calculated. Based on PCR molecular indices, the highest Euclidean distance was 2.24 between local composition V1 and Dutch V4, while the lowest Occilidental distance of 1 was between Spanish composition V3 and Dutch V4.


