Efficiency of aqueous and alcoholic extract of Rosmarinius  officinalis and lemon Eucalyptus plants in controlling nymphs and adults of the Macroisphum euphorbiae(Hemiptera: Alyrodidae) on  cut flowers


  • Riham Alwan ,Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University Author
  • Hadi Naas Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University Author
  • Iman Kadhim Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University Author


Macroisphum euphorbiae,, Rosmarinius  officinalis, lemon Eucalyptus


A laboratory experiment was carried out to determine the impact of lemon Eucalyptus and Rosmarinius officinalis aqueous and alcoholic extracts on a few elements of Macroisphum euphorbiae's life performance.The results of the study showed that the alcoholic extract of Rosmarinius officinalis had a significant effect on the non-cumulative mortality of the different fungi of the insect, and at concentrations (0.25, 0.50, 0.75) mg / ml, the results were (66.7, 83.3, 93.3) for nymphs, respectively, and for adults it was (70.0 , 85.3, 88.0), respectively, where the concentration exceeded 0.75 mg / ml, where the highest killing rate was (93.3, 88.0) for nymphs and adults, respectively, after 72 hours. While the mortality rate in the aqueous extract of Rosmarinius officinalis plants at the same concentrations for nymphs was (50.0, 66.7, 83.3), respectively, and for adults (30.0, 53.3, 66.7), respectively, as the concentration exceeded 0.75 mg / ml, and the highest mortality rate was (83.3, 66.7). nymphs and adults, respectively, after 72 hours. Also, the alcoholic extract of lemon eucalyptus plant at concentrations (0.25, 0.50, 0.75) mg / ml had a significant effect on the non-cumulative destruction of the different roles of the insect, as the results were (56.7, 73.3, 86.3) for nymphs, respectively, while the adults were (59.7, 73.0, 78.0) respectively after 72 hours. While the percentage of mortality in the aqueous extract of lemon eucalyptus at the same concentrations was (40.0, 55.8, 73.3) for nymphs, respectively. and (36.7, 56.7, 70.0) for adults, respectively, where the concentration exceeded 0.75 mg / ml, where the mortality rate was (73.3, 70.0) for nymphs and adults, respectively, after 72 hours. The results indicated that there is a direct relationship between the concentration of the extract and the percentage of death rate.

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