Effect of vermiecompost and bio-chemical fertilizers on yield traits of strawberry plants (Fragaria x ananassa) Rubygem cultivar


  • Sabaa Abdulkadhim Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University , Al-Mussaib Technical College, Department of Plant Production Techniques, Babylon 51006, Iraq Author
  • Rawaa Hussein Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University , Al-Mussaib Technical College, Department of Plant Production Techniques, Babylon 51006, Iraq Author


vermiecompost, , biofertilization, chemical fertilization, , strawberry, , yield traits


The experiment was conducted in one of the greenhouses belonging to a farmer's field in Al-Al-Musayyib project / Babylon Governorate during the agricultural season 2022-2023. To study the effect of Vermiecompost fertilizer with three levels (0,400,800) gm and biofertilization with the highest levels (without addition, mycorrhiza fungus, azospirillum bacteria, a mixture of fungal and bacterial inoculum) and chemical at two levels (0.50%) on the characteristics of the quantitative and qualitative yield of strawberry plant Rubygem and below-Covered cultivation system (green house) and RCBD design was used with three replicates. The results showed a significantly excelled of vermicompost (V3) in the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the plant (number of fruits, weight of fruits, total yield, vitamin C, percentage of TTS), as it amounted to (12.19 plant fruits-1,21.74 gm, fruit-1, 397.32 kg greenhouse-1). , 20.91 mg/100 g fresh weight -1, 9.73%), respectively. The mixture of bio-fertilizer (B4) excelled in all studied traits  The chemical fertilization (C2) when added was 50% of the fertilizer recommendation in all studied traits..The triple interaction (V3B4C2) gave a significantly excelled in all studied plant traits, which amounted to (17.92 fruit of plant-1, 25.04 g. fruit-1, 603.04 kg . greenhouse-1, 25.53 mg of 100 gm fresh weight-1, 11.70%), respectively.



